What Makes the Best Churches?

Connecting Communities through Faith and Love in Action.

Discover the true essence of the Best Churches and join a community that values teaching, discipleship, godly character, and love in action. Together, we honor God and spread love in action and missional projects.

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Our Story

Best Churches is an online community dedicated to supporting churches and missions that can exemplify the teachings of the Bible in their service to the community.

Rooted in the belief that loving God and our neighbors, making disciples, and teaching are fundamental principles, we strive to create a platform that showcases churches committed to these values.

Our mission is centered on the five pillars of a good church: worship, discipleship, fellowship, service, and evangelism. Through podcasts and fundraising efforts, we aim to promote impactful ministries and inspire positive change in the community. Join us in spreading love, faith, and spiritual fulfillment.

We have had the privilege of working with numerous churches and ministries that are dedicated to making a difference in their communities.

From small local congregations to large international missions, our support extends to organizations of all sizes. We have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of faith-based initiatives and are committed to helping churches fulfill their mission.

Foundational Principles

Love God

The Greatest Commandments and the Great Commission are foundational principles in Christianity. They are closely related to the five pillars of worship, discipleship, fellowship, serving, and evangelism. The First Greatest Commandment is to love God with all one’s heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37).

This aligns with the pillar of worship, emphasizing the central importance of sincere and wholehearted devotion to God.

Love Your Neighbors

The Second Greatest Commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:39).

This relates directly to fellowship, as it underscores the importance of building genuine relationships within the community.

It also connects to service, as loving your neighbor involves actively meeting their needs.

Additionally, evangelism is an expression of love for neighbors, as sharing the Gospel is a way to guide them toward eternal life.

Go and Make Disciples

The Great Commission instructs believers to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).

This is directly tied to the pillars of discipleship and evangelism.

Making disciples involves teaching and nurturing believers in their faith (discipleship), while reaching all nations emphasizes the global aspect of evangelism.

Baptizing and Teaching

Baptizing and teaching are integral parts of the Great Commission.

Jesus commissions disciples to make more disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 16-20) and invite individuals to open the door and commune with him (Revelation 3:20).

Baptism is a public expression of faith, aligning with the worship pillar. Teaching is a key component of discipleship, emphasizing the importance of instructing believers in the ways of Christ.


What Our Contributing Members Say

Hear from our members who have experienced the faith and love in action in our guiding principles

This project goes above and beyond to meet what we expect to happen. I couldn’t be happier by contributing my small efforts to make progress.


Outstanding quality and professionalism. I’ve been a loyal member and friend for years and actively support community projects.


This truly changed my life perspective about the five pillars of a church, helping me understand what the church is supposed to do according to the bible.


Our Approach


We provide a platform that allows churches and missional projects to the value of loving God and our neighbors, making disciples, and teaching to showcase their ministries as a testimonial of the Love of God.

Through our website, and podcasts, churches and missionaries can share their stories, events, and community initiatives, connecting with a wider audience that shares their vision.


We help fundraising efforts to support impactful ministries and missions. We aim to promote positive change and inspire communities to come together in faith and love.

Through our platform, we raise awareness and generate funds that directly contribute to projects that align with the five pillars of good church missions: worship, discipleship, fellowship, service, and evangelism.

Community Outreach

We promote friendship-raising efforts and community outreach through a social media hub that helps build genuine relationships among members that could last for life.

Through our platform and podcast, we share the teaching program of the bible and spiritual insights to share the biblical foundations and practical wisdom to help members grow in their faith and love in actions.

Five Pillars

Key Attributes

as testimonials of good churches & followers of Christ for the community as well as the church members

Want to Join or Chat?

If you have any other inquiries, feel free to reach out to us.

Love in Action.

“For I was hungry
and you gave me food,

I was thirsty,
and you gave me a drink,

I was a stranger
and you welcomed me,

I was naked
and you clothed me,

I was sick
and you visited me,

I was in prison
and you came to me.”

Matthew 25:35-40:

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